school visits

contact us

we welcome school visits to our house

We have many local and further afield schools visit our facility each year. We pride ourselves on the parks cleanliness, robust health and safety measures plus our welcoming atmosphere that makes a visit one that is enjoyable for both students and teachers alike. 

The activities can be tiring and physically stretching whilst remaining fun which is an ideal health benefit for growing children and youths. We call it exercise in disguise!

Organise a trip with us today as a PE class with a twist, a rewards day or even an end of year school trip.



things to KNOW:

  • We open outside of the parks normal trading hours for School Visits. Just enquire!
  • Public Liability and Risk Assessment documentation, available upon request.
  • We can host up to 100 children at a time on the inflatables making this an ideal activities for whole year groups.
  • Suitable for children from 5 years old up to college students.
  • Large car park and easy access for coaches and buses.
  • 5 minutes walk from Brunswick Train Station for easy public transport links.
School visits

additional info:

  • Catering options available
  • On site Sweet Shop and Arcade Area can be opened upon request
  • Discounts available for multiple visits